Google for Nonprofits application form
- Where do I find my EIN number?
- What emails should I be watching for from Percent/Goodstack?
- How can I get my 501c3 paperwork?
- How can we obtain our 501c3?
- How can I check on my Google for Nonprofits application status?
- Do I agree with Google for Nonprofits Terms and Conditions?
- What paperwork should I submit?
- How Do I Get in Touch With Goodstack (formerly called Percent)?
- How do I prove to Goodstack (formerly called Percent) that I work or volunteer at my church?
- Google couldn’t find my church when I typed it in the search box
- What church name should I use when I apply?
- Do I already have a Google for Nonprofits account?
- What do I put in the “Registration number” field (USA Churches)?
- What if my church’s meeting location is different from what is listed on my 501c3/EIN paperwork?
- Can I have more information about Googles Non-Discrimination Clause?
- What should I pick from the “Registry name” dropdown box (USA Churches)?
- What's the Difference between Applying for Google for Nonprofits and Activating the Google Ad Grant?
- What do I do if I can't access my Google for nonprofit account?
- How do I Tell if I Already Have a Google for Nonprofits Account?
- When Applying for Google for Nonprofits, what should I pick from the “Registry name” dropdown box (USA Churches)?