How can I get my 501c3 paperwork?
If your church has its own 501c3 status (not covered by a denomination), you can download your 501c3 paperwork here:
If you only have the PDF version that is downloadable online, our legal team recommends that you print out the letter (if you don't already have a paper copy), fold it up and crease it like it had been mailed, then unfold it and take a photo of it and send the photo to Goodstack (formerly called Percent). I know that sounds funny but it seems to work best.
The paperwork will look similar to this example paperwork.
If you are covered by a denomination’s 501c3 status, you can reach out to your denomination for a group exemption letter. You can reach out with the following script:
You will need 3 documents for Google to approve you!
The 3 things you will need:
1.Proof of your denominations 501c3 status with an IRS document
2.Letterhead saying your Church Name, Address, EIN # is covered under their 501c3 status
3.Proof of your EIN (so you can show Goodstack it's the same one that is covered)
You can reach out with the following script to you denomination for their:
Hi, this is [name] from [legal church name].
We are applying for Google for Nonprofits and need two things, a group exemption letter proving our nonprofit status under your tax exemption. It needs to be on letterhead and it will need to include our Church name, EIN and ideally it would include my name as well.
We also need an IRS document proving your 501c3 status.
Thank you!
Once you get those documents, email them to me! I will look them over to make sure you have everything you need and I'll merge them for you!