What if I don’t have a website?

We recommend that all churches have a website so that online visitors can find your church more easily and learn a little about you before they visit! Although having a website is not a requirement for being a Church Fuel member, it is a requirement if you plan on applying for the Google Grant. Google only allows you to run ads for your website (you can’t run Google Ads to Facebook, Youtube, or other platforms).

We work closely with Ministry Designs to provide the Omega website builder for our customers. This builder is a drag and drop, easy to use template website that the church will maintain. When you sign up, they offer a free migration of your current website to the Omega platform. To view our example website using the Omega platform, you can visit www.beliefchurch.com

Here is a video on why we recommend Omega and the instructions to sign up if you are interested. 

We also have a course on Church Website Essentials to help you build the website and a number of one-click installs to make adding pages to your website quick and easy.

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