How do I resubmit my website if it got denied by Google?

If your website got denied by Google, don't panic - this is normal and happens to almost 50% of churches who apply for the Google Ad Grant!

Why did your website get denied?

The first step toward resubmission is to figure out why your website got denied in the first place. This article will help. The most common reasons are:

  • Broken links
  • Buttons that don’t work
  • 404 pages
  • Pages without content
  • Text that’s hard to read
  • Misspellings, typos
  • White text on light background

If you need help, Specialists in the Grow program can review your website with you - just reach out to our team.

Resubmitting your website

Once you've fixed the issues listed above, follow these steps to resubmit your website to Google:

  • Log into Google for Nonprofits
  • Go to
  • Click “Sign In” in the top right corner
  • Click Continue

(if you’re not logged in with the Google account/email that you used when applying for Google for Nonprofits, click “Use a different account” to switch accounts, and choose the correct account)

  • Scroll to the section titled “Google Ad Grants” (the section looks like this)
  • Click “Learn More”

  • Enter your church’s website

(if you have multiple domains, use the domain people land on when they’re on your website. Don’t use a domain that redirects to a different domain)

  • Watch the Welcome Video
  • Click the Checkbox below the video

(in the Grow program, the Church Fuel Ads team will take care of all of the account requirements for you!)

  • Click “Submit Activation Request”

(once you click the button, you should receive an email confirming that the application was successfully submitted)

If your application was successfully submitted, the Google Ad Grant section in your Google for Nonprofits dashboard should look like this.

Keep an eye on your inbox for a response from Google. If you get denied again, just repeat these steps. Don’t worry - submitting multiple times won’t hurt your chances with Google!

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