What if my church doesn’t have a Facebook Page?

If your church doesn't have a Facebook page yet, you can create one following these instructions!


Facebook Page Best Practices

When creating a Facebook page, we recommend:

  • Uploading your logo as your page profile picture
  • Uploading a photo of greeters/smiling faces as the cover photo
  • Setting open hours outside of Sundays (Facebook is more likely to show your page to people if you have weekly open hours in addition to just Sundays!)
  • Adding multiple admins in case you lose access to your personal account

To create a Page, you must have a personal Facebook account. Then follow the instructions below:

How to create a Page from your computer

Here's how to create a Page on your computer:

  1. Log in to Facebook.
  2. On the left side, click Pages.
  3. Below Your Pages and profiles, click Create new Page.
  4. Enter the Page name and Category.
  5. Click Create Page.
  6. If you want to customize your Page, you can add your Bio, a profile picture, and a cover photo.

How to create a Page from your mobile device

Here's how to create a Page on your mobile device:

  1. Open the Facebook app.
  2. Tap your profile picture to open Menu.
  3. Tap Pages.
  4. At the top left, tap Create.
  5. Enter your Page name, and click Next.
  6. Search for a category or choose one of the Popular categories.
  7. Tap Create.
  8. To Finish setting up your Page, you can enter your Bio, Contact information, Location, and Hours.
  9. To Customize your Page, you can add a profile picture and a cover photo.
  10. To Build your Page audience, tap Invite friends.
  11. If you want to get notifications about your page, turn on Page notifications on your profile.
  12. Tap Done.
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