What if we have multiple Facebook pages?

This is a question we hear frequently - what if our church has multiple Facebook pages? Or what if we've been streaming from someone's personal Facebook account? Here's what you need to know:


We recommend having 1 Facebook page and 1 primary Facebook ads account for your church. This helps eliminate confusion.

Having 1 Facebook page means that you won't have multiple pages competing against each other for first place in search results (and that people won't be confused when looking up your church). Using 1 primary ads account means that everyone from the church can login and see the ads you're running!

Facebook pages and accounts are free, but we still recommend having only 1 page per organization and 1 profile per person. That is Facebook's recommendation and requirement to keep your account in good standing.

Should I use a personal Facebook profile?

You can only run Facebook Ads for a page, not for a person. It's still a great idea to have your pastors and church leaders active on social media (including Facebook) - that's how we build relationships with the community online!

But in order to run ads, you will need a Facebook page. That page can (and should) be controlled by multiple people's personal profiles - added as admins.

If you don't have a Facebook page yet, follow these instructions: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1199464373557428?id=418112142508425

To add additional admins on your Facebook page, follow these instructions: https://www.facebook.com/help/187316341316631. We recommend having at least 2 admins per page, in case you get locked out of your account.

How can I combine accounts into 1 Facebook Page?

If you have multiple Facebook pages, or you have both a personal account + Facebook page for your church, you'll want to combine them into one Facebook page!

How to merge 2 Facebook pages: https://www.facebook.com/help/249601088403018

How to merge a Facebook profile + Facebook page: https://www.business2community.com/facebook/how-to-merge-a-facebook-profile-with-an-existing-facebook-page-0158265

If you have a Facebook profile and Facebook page but you do NOT want to merge them together, you can run ads on the Page while leaving the Facebook profile in existence! You will just want to post future livestreams, posts, etc. related to the church on the page - so that the page looks active when someone clicks through an ad.

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