How do I reclaim access to Facebook Business Manager?

If your Facebook page is owned by a Business Manager account, but you don’t have access to that Business Manager account, follow these instructions

Tutorial video: 

1. Collect the following information

  • Copy of your government-issued ID (passport or driver's license)
  • A signed statement on company letterhead (see template on next page)
  • Document proving ownership of organization
    • Utility bill
    • Articles of incorporation
    • Bank statement
    • Credit score report

2. Combine the 3 documents above into one PDF document

Use a website like this to combine the documents into a PDF:

Include your ID, signed statement (template on next page), and proof of ownership

3. Chat with Facebook Support and attach the PDF document

  • Facebook support chat: or
  • Click “Get Support” in the top right corner
  • Scroll down and click “Contact support”
  • When asked “what issue are you having”, click “It’s something else”
  • In the text box, write:
    • I need to dispute admin access to a Business Manager account. I am not an admin on my organization’s account. I have documentation proving my identity and my affiliation with the organization
  • From the options, select the closest option (example: Business Manager admin dispute)
  • Search for your church Facebook page in the list
  • Select “Load More” then click “Manage page roles or permissions”
  • Scroll past the recommended article and click “Contact support”
  • In the text box, write:
    • I need to dispute admin access to a Business Manager account. I am not an admin on my organization’s account. I attached documentation proving my identity and my affiliation with the organization
  • Click “Attach file” and attach the PDF you created
  • Enter your phone number
  • Enter your email address
  • Click “Start Chat”
  • If they ask for a description of your issue, submit the following again:
    • I need to dispute admin access to a Business Manager account. I am not an admin on my organization’s account. I attached documentation proving my identity and my affiliation with the organization
  • Facebook should open a Business Manager admin dispute case for you and the Facebook agent told me they would review it within 48 hours

Statement Template

Business Admin Dispute

[Church Logo]

[Church Name]

[Church Address]

[Church Email Address]

[Church Phone Number]

[Church Website]

To whom it may concern:

I, [NAME], the [YOUR JOB TITLE] of the Business [CHURCH NAME], request to become an Admin of the Business Account [NAME OF BUSINESS ACCOUNT] with the Business Account ID of [BUSINESS PORTFOLIO ID]. 

My Facebook Profile Link is [PERSONAL FACEBOOK PROFILE] with an ID of [TYPE OF ID SUBMITTED]. My active email address is [EMAIL ADDRESS]. Currently, the Business Account does not have an active Admin.

I certify that the information provided is true and accurate.


[your clear and readable signature] 

[your printed name]

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