How do I adjust my membership?

If you need to adjust your Church Fuel membership, please fill out this form and a Customer Success Team Member will connect with you.

Here are some examples of when it may be a good time to adjust your Church Fuel Membership:

  • You are moving to another church and you need to get both churches set up with a membership.
  • You are stuck in a course and would like to upgrade from Starter to Coaching to get some personalized help.
  • You are running out of time and would like to upgrade to the Grow tier to have our team do the heavy lifting.
  • Unfortunately, the church is shutting down and you need to cancel the account.
  • The church has encountered an unexpected major expense and you need to talk to someone about pausing your payments for a couple months.

Note: If you need to change the leader on your Church Fuel Account, please see this article.

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